Pasteurised Liquid Egg Yolk


Ready to Use Pasteurised Egg Yolks

Paket Alternatifi & Raf Ömrü

1 kg Carton Box30 days
5/10/15/20 kg Aseptic Bag (Bag in Box)21 days



Pastörize Sıvı Yumurta Kutusunu Çalkalayınız

Shake well.

Yumurta Sarısı eşitliği

1 cup of Ymrta Whole Eggs equals to 12 shell eggs

58 Ymrta Egg Yolks in a package.

58 Ymrta Egg Yolks in a package.

+4ºC'de çözdürünüz.

Keep refrigerated.

Keep at room temperature for 1 hour before use.

Keep at room temperature for 1 hour before use.

Use within 2 days of opening.

Use within 2 days of opening.

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Pastörize Sıvı Yumurta Sarısı

Yağlı Pastalar, Mayonez, Salata Sosları, Dondurma, Krema, Yağlama (Pide, Kurabiye, Poğaça), Tatlı (Sufle, Krem Karamel vb.)